
BRIGHTS Training Needs Analysis Report

What are the training needs of European teachers and trainers in the field of Global Citizenship Education?

The purpose of BRIGHTS is to promote Global Citizenship Education (GCE) in formal and non-formal Educational contexts in Europe, with the help of digital storytelling (DS) techniques. Therefore, as a first milestone of the project, the project partners have cooperated in the production of a report that analyses and describes the necessary competences for European teachers and trainers to effectively use digital storytelling as a didactic tool in the field of GCE.

The BRIGHTS Training Needs Analysis Report summarizes the results of a desk and field research conducted at European level between February and May 2017 and it stresses out the main pedagogical and content elements to be taken into consideration for the design of the BRIGHTS blended course that will be offered to at least 400 interested professionals. Around 90 in-depth interviews have been realized with GCE experts, policy makers, school and NGOs representatives, with the main aim of collecting their opinion on the relevance of general and specific topics of GCE, the benefits that such an educational practice can bring to different educational systems and the overall European society, as well as the added value of using digital storytelling with students and youngsters.

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